Putting an entire OOD setup behind a web proxy?

we have a setup with oidc, 2 haproxy servers (although it also works with ony one) and several ood backend servers.

With version 1.6.19 we set in /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml

servername: <ood_servername>
proxy_server: <haproxy_public_name>
logout_redirect: /oidc?logout=https%3A%2F%2F<haproxy_public_name>

in /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/auth_openidc.conf we set:

OIDCRedirectURI https://<haproxy_public_name>/oidc

for the haproxy setup we have specifically for ood (not including ssl settings etc):

frontend ood-in
    bind <haproxy_server_public_ip>:443 crt <certificate_file> ssl
    mode http
    default_backend ood-bk

backend ood-bk
    balance roundrobin
    mode http
    option forwardfor
    option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:localhost
    server <ood_backend_server1> <IP>:443 ca-file <cafile> check ssl
    server <ood_backend_server2> <IP>:443 ca-file <cafile> check ssl
    server <ood_backend_server3> <IP>:443 ca-file <cafile> check ssl
    stick-table type ip size 1m peers mypeers
    stick on src

peers mypeers
    peer <haproxy_server_1> <IP>:<port>
    peer <haproxy_server_2> <IP>:<port>