Misadventures in non-vnc Matlab app construction

A bunch of work later, I fixed some ruby typos, tweaked resources allotment, and probably some other things. But I still would appreciate some help understanding a few things:

  • at the end of the entrypoint script, I don’t understand why I have to provide the full path to matlab-jupyter-app (as mentioned above, I can shell-into the container and it IS in root’s path)
  • Unsure the source or significance of an “/opt/matlab/parallel_remote” warning that appears after the MATLAB masthead, as displayed in a session’s output.log (see below)
  • is it fine to leave MWI_BASE_URL=/matlab in before.sh? (I ask because these comments make it seem like we should be matching our OOD installation’s reverse-proxy → OnDemandApps/Dockerfile at 609eb334cec0d95a2163500556644ac01454a256 · AdvancedResearchComputing/OnDemandApps · GitHub)
  • Starting the app up takes a LONG. LONG. TIME. Much more than a few minutes, oftentimes, though not all times. strace’ing the activity on the compute-node shows it looking at an endless list of files, as though it were validating the installation base every. single. run.

Here is that “/opt/matlab/parallel_remote” warning that appears after the MATLAB masthead, as displayed in a session’s output.log:

INFO:MATLABProxyApp:Installing handler for signal: 15
MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.
Discovered Matlab listening on port 58714!
Generating connection YAML file...
                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2021 The MathWorks, Inc.
                  R2021b ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             September 17, 2021

Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: /opt/matlab/parallel_remote

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Starting CPP Connector on Worker
Warming up worker

Thanks for any input!