Jupyter Lmod plugin

At PEARC19 I learned about Jupyter Lmod, https://github.com/cmd-ntrf/jupyter-lmod, which allows to load/unload Lmod modules in Jupyter before launching a kernel. This could be potentially useful in users loading their own module stack after they launched our generic Python Jupyter Notebook as an interactive app via OOD.

This works OK in a standalone Jupyter Notebook (e.g. start an OOD interactive desktop, open Linux terminal, run “jupyter notebook” and then use the “Softwares” tab to search for modules).

But, if I try the Lmod Jupyter notebook plugin in the OOD interactive Jupyter app, the “Search available modules” text input widget does not auto-fill the available modules - like it does in the scenario above. I am wondering what could be causing this, as the OOD Jupyter app notebook start is fairly similar.

Anyone willing to try this and tell me what they get? The setup is fairly simple, you need to have Lmod running on your system, then in the same Python used for Jupyter “pip install jupyterlmod”, start OOD Jupyter app, go to “Softwares” and in the “Search available modules” type a letter - a drop-down list of modules starting with that letter should pop up.


We opened an issue in the corresponding GitHub repo and are looking into reproducing this

Hello Martin, the reason to why the text input widget was not auto-filling is that the OOD Jupyter app did not have a server extension enabled for the jupyterlmod module. This can be shown in, https://github.com/OSC/bc_example_jupyter/blob/server_ext_enabled/template/before.sh.erb#L57, where we accounted for the server extension of the module.

Thanks Kinan, it works great. And if the plugin does not exist it just throws an errror that does not affect further functionality, so, that’s good too.