Error with job_name & SSGE 8.1.9

Looks like you may have to specify the name of the job directly. Seems like you’ve seen the man pages and that’s why you’ve added that -N bit in native. I’d suggest the below where you attempt to add the name directly in the submit. Otherwise you’re wrapper may have to suffice until we patch it. We run qsub too at OSC but it’s version 6.1.2. You must have something higher?

  template: vnc
    extra_args: "-listen tcp -vgl -geometry 1240x1024"
    # try to give it a static name
    job_name: 'some-static-name-like-interactive'

Here’s the version we run.

[johrstrom@owens-login01 ~]$ qsub --version
Version: 6.1.2
Commit: 661e092552de43a785c15d39a3634a541d86898e

To the problem you’re having with VNC, I can’t really tell why it’s being killed. Here’s a good log below which is very similar. It would appear that you’re unable to start a vnc server instance - or for some reason you start it it kills itself.

Warning: <somehost>:7 is taken because of /tmp/.X7-lock
Remove this file if there is no X server <somehost>:7

Desktop 'TurboVNC: <somehost>:8 (johrstrom)' started on display <somehost>:8

Log file is vnc.log
Successfully started VNC server on <somehost>:5908...
Script starting...
Starting websocket server...
Restoring modules from user's default, for system: "owens"
WebSocket server settings:
  - Listen on :64333
  - Flash security policy server
  - No SSL/TLS support (no cert file)
  - Backgrounding (daemon)
Scanning VNC log file for user authentications...
Generating connection YAML file...
Launching desktop 'xfce'...
generating cookie with syscall
generating cookie with syscall
generating cookie with syscall

There’s also a vnc.log file in your directory there. It may say something more informative about the problem. If you have ssh access to the instance you’re trying to boot on, I’d suggest shelling into it and attempting to run that script.

Here in line 107 you can add the -log "vnc.log:debug". Also notice that that line is in a loop where you’re trying to start VNC so you can add extra debug echo statements there if you need.

VNC_OUT=$(vncserver -log "vnc.log:debug" -rfbauth "vnc.passwd" -nohttpd -noxstartup -geometry 1536x780 -idletimeout 0  2>&1)