Error trying to start RStudio app

I’m adding the studio app for a new cluster. I copied the RStudio-cluster1 to RStudio-cluster2, edited the cluster names, and made some changes to deal with slurm vs pbspro command line. Before the job submits or (apparently) even gets to swatch, this appears in the nginx error.log for my account
App 14012 output: [2020-08-17 13:19:05 -0700 ] ERROR “ERROR: Psych::SyntaxError - (): did not find expected node content while parsing a flow node at line 19 column 1”
App 14012 output: [2020-08-17 13:19:05 -0700 ] INFO “execve = [“git”, “describe”, “–always”, “–tags”]”
App 14012 output: [2020-08-17 13:19:05 -0700 ] INFO “method=POST path=/pun/sys/dashboard/batch_connect/sys/bc_osc_rstudio_server-puma/session_contexts format=html controller=BatchConnect::SessionContextsController action=create status=200 duration=113.61 view=66.28”

In the. GUI, I see ×

(): did not find expected node content while parsing a flow node at line 19 column 1

no files created in ~/ondemand.
CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)

I suspect a typo in some file, but I can’t see it. Anyplace else I should look beside the nginx logs?

Yea, it’s a yaml error. Check the form.yml or submit.yml of the new application on line 19 (or maybe 18).

I’m guessing it’s an indentation issue or a missing end " on the previous line.

Thanks Jeff!
That got me looking in the right place; it was a missing “]” in the submit.yml.erb file for
native: [ stuff ]
on the last line of the file.